





my Paintings

    • originals available

    • with awards

About me

    • Prizes and Awards

    • Exhibits & Events

        • upcoming

        • past

Contact me !

Art Home Decor by Alina

Alina Handcrafted Collection Exotic Stones

my personal web page

my “Sky Run”

SkyRun 2023 1 SkyRun 2023 2

I succeeded in the SkyTower “Sky Run” in Bucharest, Romania !

SkyRun 2023 3 SkyRun 2023 4

please visit Arte Di Alina · Eleven for more of this event...

Nov. 2023

article in “The Sport Spirit”

There's a new article which includes me, in the online magazine “The Sport Spirit” ...

( Yes - that's me! in the black jumpsuit )

The article is in Italian:  Cuccarini, Ferilli, Hunziker: “Il Calisthenics fa bene”

Here it is, translated to English:  Cuccarini, Ferilli, Hunziker: “Calisthenics is good”

July 2022

1° Premio città di Berlino

The exhibit 1st Prize City of Berlin continues through April in Berlin, Germany ...

Everyone is welcome to attend !

More info on my art website ...

April 2022

World Art Dubai

I was in Dubai for the exhibit World Art Dubai” 2022 !

Visit my art website to see the photos, videos, and more info ...

March 2022

my paintings

To see over 1000 of my paintings, my art website:  ArteDiAlina.com

my new magazine article

There are new articles about me ...

„Alina Ciuciu, pictorița de Oscar necunoscută în țara natală”
(“Alina Ciuciu, Oscar painter unknown in her native country”)
in these magazines:

Elita României (in Romanian) – translated to English

Săptămâna Financiară (Romanian) – tr. to English

( Click here to see my painting “Venice Twilight” )

Dec 2021

my dearest artist friends and me

3 artists

Svetlana Borisova on the left
and Daciana on the right

today we met at a cafe, to discuss how we shall completely transform the international art world!

together we shall do things - which no one can now imagine...

Jul 2021

my new award

I am so happy to recieve the Stylistic Excellence Award” !

To see the award, please visit:  ArteDiAlina · About me · Awards

To see the award ceremony and the exhibit:  ArteDiAlina · About me · past Events

July 2021

my recent “Perspective” art exhibit in my native Romania

Perspectives 2021 34 Perspectives 2021 31

please visit Arte Di Alina · About Me · Past Exhibits to see many more photos and videos...

May 2021

my latest Award

please visit Arte Di Alina · About Me · Awards to see this, and many more...

Feb 2021

“L'Opinionista” article

There's a new article about me on the Italian online journal L'Opinionista ...

in Italian:  “Le atmosfere soffuse e familiari dell’Impressionismo contemporaneo di Alina Ciuciu

in English:  “The soft, familiar atmospheres of contemporary Impressionism by Alina Ciuciu

Feb 2021

my TV ad

This 3-minute advertisement was broadcast on an Italian TV channel in September.
Here it is, with subtitles in English:

Jun 2020

my Art Home Decor

Discover my site Art Home Decor by Alina to see these amazing items:

all are available, to anyone who likes !

Mar 2020

now in northern Italy my works are in a new Art Gallery, open to the public

the Nonna Bettina Gallery ... please click to see my works which are now here:

nonna bettina

at the beautiful Nonna Bettina Resort

on the shores of Italy's incredible Lake Garda!

today 15 of my works are on display there...

Feb 2020

my interview with a newspaper

Bihoreanul (Bihor County, Romania newspaper) – the Christmas "print" edition, 23 December 2019:

Picturile făcute cu cițitul i-au adus orădencei Alina Ciuciu un „Oscar”

Paintings made with a knife brought Oradean Alina Ciuciu an "Oscar"

Pictoriță de „Oscar”


Pictoriţă de „Oscar”: Orădeanca Alina Ciuciu este una dintre cele mai cunoscute artiste plastice din Italia, tablourile sale vânzându-se cu mii de euro

"Oscar" painter: Alina Ciuciu from Oradea is one of the most famous artists in Italy, her paintings selling for thousands of euros

for the full article online at “Bihoreanul”, please see: 

«Pictoriţă de „Oscar” ...» (în română)

( translated into English: "Oscar" painter ... )

Dec 2019

if you desire, a few words of me:

Ciao! io sono Alina Ciuciu

i'm a simple girl living in northern Italy

i love doing sports, and running every day

also am an internationally recognized artist

i enjoy coloring a new canvas, every day i can !

my (professional) paintings website is:  artedialina.com

and please see my Art Home Decor!  alinaciuciu.co

also i love the water, and sunny weather, and good music, and nature...

there is so much more i wish to say...

mostly i speak through my paintings!

may i speak to you? may i color your dreams?

is there an original work, a canvas print,
or an Art Home Decor item you like?

or is there something “brand new” i can put on canvas for you?

i speak English, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, German, French, and am now learning Spanish

may my imagination and creativity
become part of your life ?

please contact me! via my professional website

07 jul 2024